Spin Knight
This is a top-view action game where you brandish the legendary spinning sword to defeat a frightening eyeball boss.
Spin your sword to damage the boss (its eye is the weak post). You can also destroy red projectiles.
The main sword spinning mechanic was inspired by The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker's Hurricane Spin skill.
Move: arrow keys or WASD
Accelerate sword spin: hold C key or Mouse left button
Dash (invincible): Shift, X key or Mouse middle button
Jump: Space or Mouse right button
While using sword spin, you character also moves faster (with a speed boost proportional to the spinning speed).
Restart boss: Ctrl+R
Quit game: Ctrl/Cmd+Q or Alt+F4
Spin Knight was developed for the Boss Rush Jam 2025.
Development status
This game is mostly a prototype: the player moves and boss phases are not complete. The player should be able to throw a (spinning) boomerang, and the boss should have weak spots that the player must hit precisely to prevent spamming spin attack on the boss's eye.
Future of project is unknown, what you have here is the jam release version (2025-02-02).
VantaTree: game design, code
komehara: game design, code
Deanos: art
Jasim: music and sound effects
- Title Font: The Cat Has a Hat by Lukee Thornhill
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