A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Entry for GGJ 2021 on the theme: Lost and Found

You must finish writing your novel but sometimes lack inspiration and motivation... Balance research, writing and leisure to make quality work while leading a healthy life!

GGJ game page: https://globalgamejam.org/2021/games/finding-inspiration-5


The game is still an early prototype, there is no gameplay besides clicking on some furniture and Write to quickly finish the novel.

How to play

To win, you must complete the writing of your novel, whose progress is indicated as a percentage in the gauge at the top-left of the screen. While doing so, you must manage your other resources, namely:

  • Time
  • Research material
  • Physical health

Click on a furniture, then click on an activity to execute it. Each action consumes a certain amount of time, and modifies your resources (visible on the gauges at the top of the screen) in different ways. The result of the action may also depend on other stats.

DeskWrite, Research
ActionTime spentEffect
1Increases Writing progress. Consumes Physical health. Consumes Research material (if any) for extra progress.
Research1Increases Research material. Consumes Physical health.
Rest1Increases Physical health.

Press Escape at any time to show the Pause Menu. From there you can go back to the main menu, then exit the game.


v0.4.3 - 2021-03-20

  • Added Clarity gauge
  • Added Study activity to increase Skills
  • Revamp activity balance: Write has base increase and extra increase based on time consumed and physical health consumed, as well as whether physical health is low (<= 15), although it only matters when they reach 0. Write increases Clarity (currently unused for Victory condition). In addition, Skills contribute to faster Writing Progress and better Clarity increase.
  • Pause Menu now blurs background and makes it impossible to click on menus below

v0.4.2 - 2021-02-13

  • Add BGM and SFX (made during GGJ but not integrated at the time). The BGM is dynamic and depends on the current Physical health.
  • Add custom images for UI and HUD
  • Add character poses for each activity. They fade in and out when character moves around the room.
  • Add resources: Time, Research material, and replace Motivation with Physical health
  • Add activities: Rest, and actually make Research do something
  • Reduced build size by 130MB by importing audio as Vorbis

v0.3.0 - 2021-01-31

  • Initial GGJ release. Almost nothing to do but repeatedly Write until you win.
  • Remains available for download in the ggj2021 channel.


finding-inspiration-windows.zip 33 MB
Version 0.4.3 Mar 20, 2021
finding-inspiration-osx.zip 43 MB
Version 0.4.3 Mar 20, 2021
finding-inspiration-linux.zip 37 MB
Version 0.4.3 Mar 20, 2021
finding-inspiration-windows-ggj2021.zip 19 MB
Version 0.3.0 Jan 31, 2021
finding-inspiration-osx-ggj2021.zip 29 MB
Version 0.3.0 Jan 31, 2021
finding-inspiration-linux-ggj2021.zip 23 MB
Version 0.3.0 Jan 31, 2021


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Awesome game :D

Thanks, but I see no recent downloads of this game in my stats, and there is no web version. I also noticed you serial-commented on several on my games with quite generic feedback, giving me the impression that you are giving nice comments for the sake of it - maybe with the intention of helping devs get some visibility.

However, I’d rather you actually played each game thoroughly, even if it means spending more time on one and commenting on fewer games in the end, so I can get more qualitative feedback I can use to improve the game, or my other future projects.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

You're welcome, I'll try doing my best of adding feedback on one of your games next time 👍